Hi, I'm Arjun Mohammed and I'm an undergraduate student at the University of Waterloo.
I spent my first three semsters in the Computer Engineering Co-op program and after several work experiences, I decided to switch into Statistics while pursuing a minor in CS to fuel my interest in data analytics and machine learning.
I have worked at numerous start-ups at different stages, allowing me to make meaningful contributions and be exposed to a myriad of technologies in a fast paced environment.
At my first co-op, I had the pleasure of working at Interset Cybersecurity and AI to enhance the installation and security of their insider threat platform. My next position was at HelloGbye where I worked on increasing the efficiency and accuracy of automatic itenary generation from travel requests in email data. My third placement was at Loom Analytics where I explored the application of state of the art NLP algorithms on Canadian legal cases to expedite the tedious process of data entry and discovery. Over the summer of 2020, I returned to Loom Analytics to work on their new data aggregation tool Structura.
Outside of work, I enjoy travelling, reading, spending time with my friends and making great puns. I hope you got the one in my Resume page 🙂.