Arjun Mohammed

Cool Convoluted Commands

02 Aug 2019

Just a collection of useful commands that I find cool/interesting.  

You will require coreutils to run the MacOS commands. (brew install coreutils)  

Don’t have homebrew? Please install it.      

Copy N random files from one directory to another

Good for messing around with a small sample from a large dataset. You can also add a regex pattern if you wish to filter.

gshuf -zn FILE_COUNT -e PATTERN | xargs -0 gcp -vt TARGET_DIR
shuf -zn FILE_COUNT -e PATTERN | xargs -0 cp -vt TARGET_DIR

You may encounter an error: shuf: Argument list too long
In this case, we can pipe the arguments as follows:

find SOURCE_DIR -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name PATTERN -print0 | gshuf -n FILE_COUNT -z | xargs -0 gcp -t TARGET_DIR
find SOURCE_DIR -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name PATTERN -print0 | shuf -n FILE_COUNT -z | xargs -0  cp -t TARGET_DIR

You can even tweak these commands so that you can copy N random lines from one file to another . Useful in those cases where all your data is in one file. (Hint: use 🐱)

Find non-empty files in a directory

Same for MacOS and Linux

find DIR_NAME -not -empty -ls 

You can change this command to find the names of the empty file names.

find DIR_NAME -empty -ls

And to find the number of files, simply pipe the output of any of these commands to wc - l

Join files horizontally using a Primary Key

Same for MacOS and Linux

Useful for joining CSV's. This process requires that your data is complete and clean which is an even more complicated problem to solve. However, it's a very fast and memory efficient procedure to join two CSVs after removing missing information (I will add a few commands that can help with this!).

Suppose you have the following two CSV's:

% cat 1.csv
Arjun,Purple,MacOS,Table Tennis

% cat 2.csv
And we want to create a single CSV using the names as our primary key.
We could do the following:
Sort both files by their primary key (located in the first column).
% sort -t"," -k1  1.csv > 1_sorted.csv
% sort -t"," -k1  2.csv > 2_sorted.csv
Now cut the 2nd column from 2_sorted and add to 1_sorted using the cut and paste commands.
% cut -d',' -f2 2_sorted.csv > 2_sorted_fav_lang.csv
% paste -d, 1_sorted.csv 2_sorted_fav_lang.csv > final.csv
Let's take a look:
% cat final.csv
Arjun,Purple,MacOS,Table Tennis,PHP


More to come!